Tuesday 10 May 2016

The Reader on the 6.27 by Jean-Paul Didierlauren

Guylain Vignolles hates his life. He lives alone and tells his mother he has a great job in publishing. In reality he operates a huge temperamental beast of a book pulping machine. His one pleasure is reading aloud from random pages saved from the machine, which he does every morning on his train ride to work.

His life slowly begins to change when some fellow passengers ask him to read at their retirement home. He also discovers and reads a memory stick left his train seat from a previous commuter. She writes about her job as a lavatory assistant in a shopping mall, and through her writing Guylain feels he has found a kindred spirit, and begins his quest to track her down.

This lovely book is heartwarming, funny and almost like a fable.

Catalogue link:  The Reader on the 6.27
Posted by Katrina

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