Saturday 14 April 2018

Fly on the Wall: How One Girl Saw Everything by E. Lockhart

E. Lockhart has written some amazing books: Genuine Fraud, We Were Liars and The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks. This is not an amazing book. I wanted to like it because it has such an amazingly diverse set of characters in a setting that could have been so much more!

Our main character Gretchen is Chinese American, her parents are getting a divorce, and she is not very good at making friends. She does however attend a prestigious art school in Manhattan, have a talent (and passion) for drawing comic book style art, and has a beautiful, talented best friend who is getting frustrated with Gretchen’s constant negativity. One day Gretchen makes a wish that she could be a fly on the wall of the boy’s locker wall.

When she wakes up the next day that is exactly what has happened. How perfect that it just happens to be the week that both her parents have gone out of the country, and that none of her friends care enough to actually go around to her house to check on her. So she gets to spend a whole week in the boys locker rooms getting to see much more than a girl her age ever should.

Thankfully it was a rather short book (less than 200 pages) so could be read in pretty much one sitting (the only reason I really bothered to finish it). But please don’t let this unimpressed reader discourage you from picking up an E. Lockhart book. Maybe just don’t bother with this one. Grab the next one of hers on the shelf and get ready for a well written piece of YA fiction.
Posted by Sas

Catalogue link: Fly on the Wall

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